Once again, another random comparison. These shoes look painful, and I'd rather wear Cinderella's glass slippers. I mean, look at those spiky icicle-y things along the shoe...
[Disney's Cinderella.! I miss those days when I had my very own Cinderella shoes. Except they were pink with fluffy feathers...glamorous, no?]
You always seem to find the most bizarre shoes! I love it!
Oh this is so funny. Just the other day I was thinking about wearing cinderellas glass slipper. But yes, that does look painful.
They look oh so painful. I feel like I'd just slide in them.
classic. glass slippers! ♥
omg, i wouldnt wear this... haha kisses
Haha wow those shoes are crazy.
wow those shoes are crazy! also i've just tagged you, see my blog for details :)
Ahhh I'd take Cinderella's heels over those transparent torture devices any day.
bizarre and amazing
they are beautiful as a piece of art but I don't know who could wear those!
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umm wow, i'm almost speechless 'n that's rare for me :P
yeah i agree Cinderella's slippers those are Not! They do look like they would be on the painful side; look at the arch? yikes talk about cramp in the foot lol.
Cool find though
gosh, those do look painful. ouch!
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