Happy New Years!
New year. Fresh start.
Speaking of fresh, let your skin breathe :] Walnuts, blueberries, and yogurt are all extremely good for your skin, and taste good too!
Making any New Years Resolution? I have a couple easy ones for you. [They can relate to fashion, or you in general.]
1. Be Unique. [Everyone says this, but seriously. Don't do certain stuff just because others are doing it. Or, don't wear certain things since other people are wearing the exact same things. At least find a good rolemodel!] Many of you are already confident and proud of yourself, but still....I'm encouraging everyone.]
2. Show it. [Maybe those random spazzy dress-up moments don't have to be just suited for "dress up" time. Trust me, I know you have those times.]
Thats Hauttte Fashion says you better be dressing beyondd standard when we have to go back to school. We'll be watching in a non-stalker way :]
Any predictions for 2008? In the real fashion industry, 2007 went colorful, surreal, modern, sleek, sparkly. Very "in your face". Since our school proves to always be one step slower, lets see what happens in '08. ;)
5 days ago
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